
Thursday, August 23, 2018

“Federal court backs activists who feed homeless in Fort Lauderdale”: 

David Fleshler of The South Florida Sun Sentinel has an article 
that be
gins, “A group whose symbol is a clenched fist holding a carrot won a legal victory over the city of Fort Lauderdale on Wednesday, when a federal appeals court found that its weekly events to feed homeless people were protected under the Constitution.”
You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit at this link.

JORDAN, Circuit Judge: In understanding what is going on around us, context matters. Food shared with company differs greatly from a meal eaten alone. Unlike a solitary supper, a feast requires the host to entertain and the guests to interact. Lady Macbeth knew this, and chided her husband for “not giv[ing] the cheer” at the banquet depicted in Shakespeare’s play. As she explained: “To feed were best at home; From thence, the sauce to meat is ceremony. Meeting bare without it.” William Shakespeare

we hold that on this record FLFNB’s outdoor food

 sharing is expressive conduct protected by the 

First Amendment.  11th circuit 8/22/2018

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