
Wednesday, October 31, 2018


rice paddy art.


6 gardens.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

to: "Miller-Cronk, Nila"

date: Oct 30, 2018, 5:46 AM
subject: Re: Complaint - Request for Copy of Inquiry
open letter: 5:46 AM (0 minutes ago)
as far as i know, i never received a response from you to my letter of august 22.
yesterday i filed a notice of tort claim. once that is denied, as it will be, i will be able to file suit. once i have filed suit, i will be able to submit a subpoena, as you insist upon.
i had not expected that it would be necessary to engage in litigation to get any answer to my simple question. at this point the cover-up is more disturbing than the original incident.
this is a situation that could have been resolved by a letter of apology from the officer.
instead, we will now be headed to court. win or lose, the intent will be to use the judical process to force open some of the secrets you and major cutter have been withholding. as a crime victim, it disappoints me that the very people who live at taxpayer expense to fight crime are instead participating in the crime.

Article 1, § 13(b) – Victims of crime, as defined by law, shall have the right to be treated with fairness, dignity and respect throughout the criminal justice process; and, as defined by law, to be informed of and present during public hearings and to confer with the prosecution, to the extent that exercising these rights does not infringe upon the constitutional rights of the accused.

text of tort claim notice filed 10/29/2018
via hand delivery
po box 29164, cumberland in 46229
loss information:
2-2-18 4:16 pm $50,000 capitol police na
state house west enterance
john doe 1-6
i was assaulted and battered by an unknown capitol police officer and
dragged out of the state house by my right arm.

i was coming into the state house for an appointment with an undersecretary of state, jerry bonnet. after passing through the scanner, the officer blocked my way and began interrogating me about where i was going. not liking my answer, he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the building. 5 officers have been accessories after the fact by conspiring to hide his identity.
x robbin stewart october 29, 2018.

on Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 12:14 AM Robbin Stewart gtbear at gmail.com wrote:

thank you for your reply. it's quite helpful. i will put preparing the subpoena on tomorrow's to do list. meanwhile, is there anything at all about the report or the incident which you can disclose? tia, robbin stewart.
On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 1:08 PM, Miller-Cronk, Nila wrote:

Mr. Stewart,

In speaking with our Legal Section, your request for a copy of the inquiry which resulted from you calling 911 on 2/2/2018 and alleging assault and battery by a Capitol Police Officer, was processed as a public records request. With a department inquiry being an internal investigative document, which is not releasable under a public records request, and pursuant to IC 5-14-3-4(b)(8), your request has been denied. Upon receipt of a valid subpoena or court order the inquiry requested above may be disclosed.


Major Nila Miller-Cronk

Indiana State Police

Internal Investigations Section

o: "Miller-Cronk, Nila" 

date: Oct 30, 2018, 5:46 AM
subject: Re: Complaint - Request   for Copy of Inquiry

open letter:5:46 AM (0 minutes ago)
as far as i know,   i never received a response from you to my letter of august 22.
yesterday i filed a notice of tort claim. once that is  denied, as it will be, i will be able to file suit. once i have filed suit, i will be able to submit a subpoena, as you insist upon.

i had not expected that it would be necessary to engage in litigation to get any answer to my simple question. at this point the cover-up is more disturbing than the original incident.
this is a situation that could have been resolved by a letter of apology from the officer. 

instead, we will now be headed to court. win or lose, the intent will be to use the judical process to force open some of the secrets you and major cutter have been withholding. as a crime victim, it disappoints me that the very people who live at taxpayer expense to fight crime are instead participating in the crime.

  Article 1, § 13(b) –  Victims of crime, as defined by law, shall have the right to be treated with fairness, dignity and respect throughout the criminal justice process; and, as defined by law, to be informed of and present during public hearings and to confer with the prosecution, to the extent that exercising these rights does not infringe upon the constitutional rights of the accused.   

text of tort claim notice filed 10/29/2018
via hand delivery
po box 29164, cumberland in 46229
loss information:
2-2-18 4:16 pm $50,000 capitol police na
state house west enterance
john doe 1-6
i was assaulted and battered by an unknown capitol police officer and
dragged out of the state house by my right arm.

i was coming into the state house for an appointment with an undersecretary of state, jerry bonnet. after passing through the scanner, the officer blocked my way and began interrogating me about where i was going. not liking my answer, he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the building. 5 officers have been accessories after the fact by conspiring to hide his identity.
x robbin stewart october 29, 2018.

n Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 12:14 AM Robbin Stewart <gtbear@gmail.com> wrote:
thank you for your reply. it's quite helpful.
i will put preparing the subpoena on tomorrow's to do list.
meanwhile, is there anything at all about the report or the incident which you can disclose? tia, robbin stewart.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 1:08 PM, Miller-Cronk, Nila <NMiller-Cronk@isp.in.gov> wrote:
Mr. Stewart,

In speaking with our Legal Section, your request for a copy of the inquiry which resulted from you calling 911 on 2/2/2018 and alleging assault and battery by a Capitol Police Officer, was processed as a public records request.  With a department inquiry being an internal investigative document, which is not releasable under a public records request, and pursuant to IC 5-14-3-4(b)(8), your request has been denied.  Upon receipt of a valid subpoena or court order the inquiry requested above may be disclosed.


Major Nila Miller-Cronk  

Major Nila Miller-Cronk
Indiana State Police
Internal Investigations Section

Monday, October 29, 2018

the walken dead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giAQuLntqXY

peter l lacy, commissioner, bmv
100 n senate 46204
cc:  ashley merritt, staff attorney
       steven sams, alj
       pastor eddie smith sr.

re 18-ot-011

   I have received your letter dated october 4th, received october 27th.
setting a hearing december 18th 1 pm, 4th floor government center north 100 n senate.

  The issue is whether a person who is or was an organ donor must be compelled to re-affirm in writing their organ donor status each time they obtain a replacement driver's license or ID.

Facts: I went to the hendricks county bmv on rt 40
because I was trying to interview for a job at a french logistics company, and they required an ID.

In order to obtain a replacement copy of my driver's license, I was compelled to have to re-sign my organ donor status, with the only alternative that they would refuse to issue me a licence, which would have meant not being able to interview. Without a job, i faced a pending economic disaster. An indeed, I did not get the job, for other reasons, and had $1.75 left in my pocket this week, so I have borrowed funds from a relative. My point is the process was unduly coercive.

My plates expired yesterday, I did not have enough cash to renew them, and could not get my cards to work at the machine at the beech grove branch on saturday. I will try again this week, hopefully today.

The issues in this matter, 18-ot-011, are 

1.  whether the hendricks county branch was properly followng bmv rules, or arbitrarily and capriciously invented their own policy.

2.  whether the policy is required, or apparently require, by statute, or is only the bmv's decision.

3. whether the agency's policy violates public policy,
unnecessarily compelling speech, and interfering in the organ donor program, with the result that people die, because the organ donation process is being interfered with by pointless red tape.

I understand that an administrative hearing will not resolve constitutional issues, so I do not raise those here, but there are potential constitutional issues if we cannot resolve my concerns in this forum.

 I have been writing about organ donation since 1979 at a graduate seminar on bioethics at the center for the study of values. I have been litigating about compelled speech since stewart v taylor, s d ind 1997, in which IC 3-9-3-2 was declared unconstitutional, and I obtained a $7000 settlement,
and am currently litigating abuse of ID in stewart v marion county election board et al. 

It's been many years since I've held any public office, but I was a delegate to the gop state convention this year. A long-standing GOP policy is to oppose red tape. The Trump administration set a goal of repealing two regulations for each new one. The actual record so far is 14 regulations repealed for each new one enacted.

The foundaton principle of organ donation is informed consent. I have participated in 42 medical studies, so I know a bit about informed consent.
So for bmv employees to be coercing someone to have to sign the form against their will is hugely inappropriate. Whether not the conduct was illegal uner federal law is not my call.  
To deny someone a replacement driver's license because they decline to consent to organ donation is both injury and insult.

My position is that once a person has made the decision to become an organ donor, and attested to that in writing, once is enough. It need not be re-affirmed over and over to remain operative.

It is similar to how when a person files a statement of non-waiver of an adminstrative hearing prior to being sued by the marion county health and hospital corporation, that non-waiver remains legally effective, and need not be re-filed for each new case.
This is a simple application of the due course of law under section 12 of the Indiana bill of rights. Or, to put it other terms, it is the due process which has been part of anglo-american law since the magna carta.

My intent is that the bmv review its procedures to change the process to become less unethical. If that requires a statutory change, a recommendation to the governor's office would be in order. Lives are at stake.

First offer of settlement: it is my practice, as a professional to always offer to resolve a dispute via settlement.  I would settle this in exchange for free renewal of my plates ths year. I am not claiming to be owe any damages in this matter; I am asserting only my procedural rights to a hearing, which I am willing to waive in exchange for a token settlement.

cordially, robbin stewart.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

thomas smith recent works

Friday, October 26, 2018

it is possible that this blog will get getttng some new stringers to help cover the 2018 election and aftermath.

i encourge new freelancers to watch our training video.

(this is the nightcrawler trailer.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

note to self: see a movie called the gambler, wth john gooman an marky mark.

The official AMC videos are apparently not available in countries other than the US. As requested by some users, here are the videos mirrored on Streamable. These should be available internationally.
  1. Employee Accountability https://streamable.com/vhwo5
  2. Hiring Practices https://streamable.com/c2jiw
  3. Perimeter Security https://streamable.com/csv5w
  4. Social Intelligence https://streamable.com/s5u02
  5. Information Security https://streamable.com/hqs1i
  6. Professionalism https://streamable.com/fhb7l
  7. Workplace Safety https://streamable.com/bb17e
  8. Confidentiality https://streamable.com/9vsgj
  9. Morale https://streamable.com/s0k3y
  10. Chain of Command https://streamable.com/wjo82

anyone want a dog? update, dog has been returned to owner.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


directors cut of my voter ID video. edit by brian de andrade.


that's a new one for me.

joe rogan and ari shaffir discuss open mike nights.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

where did the spanish flu come from?

a) spain
b) kansas


8 ways the world could suddenly end: Stephen Petranek at TEDxMidwest

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Friday, October 19, 2018


at 14, he's better at standup than i am.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

ProFlowers.com - To get 20% off any bouquet of $29 or more, go to ProFlowers.com, and use the promo code “STANHOPE” at checkout.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Sunday, October 14, 2018


for $22 youcan get a tshirt that says
'james inman stole my drugs.'
from the unbookables documentary.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


this would be a good idea for indianapolis


Fewer than 1 in 5 young people voted in the last midterm elections, and less than 4 in 10 eligible voters overall. The current government would like to keep it that way. Register here to vote.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

game theory poker book by a distant cousin.

Ph.D. Princeton University 1951 UnitedStates

Dissertation: Consequences of the Extended Riemann Hypothesis

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Walter White: Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? 
 No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks knocks!

i'm working on my knock knock jokes for tonight.

  1. Knock, knock.
    Who's there?
    Amish who?
    You're not a shoe!
  1. Knock, knock.
    Who's there
    Amish Who?
    Aw How sweet. I miss you too.
  2. Knock, knock.
    Who's there?
    Ears who?
    Ears another knock knock jokes for you!

  3. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Abby who?
    Abby birthday to you!
  4. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Armageddon who?
    Armageddon a little bored. Let’s do some shots.
  1. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Boo who?
    Gosh, don’t cry it’s just a knock knock joke.
  1. Knock, knock.
    Who's there?
    Butch, Jimmy and Joe.
    Butch, Jimmy, and Joe Who?
    Butch your arms around me, Jimmy a kiss, and let's Joe.
  1. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Déja who?
    Knock knock.
  2. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    interrupting doctor.
    You've got cancer. [talk about dad]
  3. Knock, knock.
    Who’s there?
    Figs who?
    Figs the doorbell, it’s broken! [talk about shack]
  4. Knock, knock.
    Who's there?
    Gerald who?
    It's Gerald friend, the arbitrary aarvark 
  5. Knock Knock Who's There? Cotton! Cotton who?  

     caught in a trap
    I can't walk out
    Because I love you too much, baby
    Why can't you see
    What you're doing to me
    When you don't believe a word I say?
    We can't go on together
    With suspicious minds (suspicious minds)
    And we can't build our dreams
    On suspicious minds        

Top 10 Indiana Daily Newspapers by Circulation
*Data as of 01/05/2016
1. The Indianapolis Star
We’re telling you the most important stories in Central Indiana, whether in the newspaper, online or live at the scene where those stories happen.
2. The Times of Northwest Indiana
Chicago’s southeast suburbs.
3. The Journal Gazette
Fort Wayne, Indiana,
4. The South Bend Tribune
5. The Evansville Courier & Press
The Evansville Courier & Press is a local newspaper in Evansville, Indiana.
6. The Lafayette Journal and Courier
What you need and want to know about Greater Lafayette and Purdue.
7. The Herald-Times Online
Local news & views from Bloomington, Indiana.
8. The Star Press
Muncie, Delaware County and the surrounding communities.
9. The Kokomo Tribune
10. The Herald Bulletin

Indianapolis Business Journal
Indianapolis Monthly
Indianapolis Recorder
Indianapolis Star
Jewish Post and Opinion
La Voz de Indiana


Monday, October 08, 2018

i cant help


Friday, October 05, 2018

2 of the 47 ronin.

Thursday, October 04, 2018

another wreck outside my house tonight. 2 cars and a pedestriaan.
pictures didnt come out. i on't have disk space to film video.

pedestrian is dead. rt 40 is closed off right at my house.
just another night. i'm going back to bed.

Wednesday, October 03, 2018


Tuesday, October 02, 2018

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