
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

to: "Miller-Cronk, Nila"

date: Oct 30, 2018, 5:46 AM
subject: Re: Complaint - Request for Copy of Inquiry
open letter: 5:46 AM (0 minutes ago)
as far as i know, i never received a response from you to my letter of august 22.
yesterday i filed a notice of tort claim. once that is denied, as it will be, i will be able to file suit. once i have filed suit, i will be able to submit a subpoena, as you insist upon.
i had not expected that it would be necessary to engage in litigation to get any answer to my simple question. at this point the cover-up is more disturbing than the original incident.
this is a situation that could have been resolved by a letter of apology from the officer.
instead, we will now be headed to court. win or lose, the intent will be to use the judical process to force open some of the secrets you and major cutter have been withholding. as a crime victim, it disappoints me that the very people who live at taxpayer expense to fight crime are instead participating in the crime.

Article 1, § 13(b) – Victims of crime, as defined by law, shall have the right to be treated with fairness, dignity and respect throughout the criminal justice process; and, as defined by law, to be informed of and present during public hearings and to confer with the prosecution, to the extent that exercising these rights does not infringe upon the constitutional rights of the accused.

text of tort claim notice filed 10/29/2018
via hand delivery
po box 29164, cumberland in 46229
loss information:
2-2-18 4:16 pm $50,000 capitol police na
state house west enterance
john doe 1-6
i was assaulted and battered by an unknown capitol police officer and
dragged out of the state house by my right arm.

i was coming into the state house for an appointment with an undersecretary of state, jerry bonnet. after passing through the scanner, the officer blocked my way and began interrogating me about where i was going. not liking my answer, he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the building. 5 officers have been accessories after the fact by conspiring to hide his identity.
x robbin stewart october 29, 2018.

on Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 12:14 AM Robbin Stewart gtbear at gmail.com wrote:

thank you for your reply. it's quite helpful. i will put preparing the subpoena on tomorrow's to do list. meanwhile, is there anything at all about the report or the incident which you can disclose? tia, robbin stewart.
On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 1:08 PM, Miller-Cronk, Nila wrote:

Mr. Stewart,

In speaking with our Legal Section, your request for a copy of the inquiry which resulted from you calling 911 on 2/2/2018 and alleging assault and battery by a Capitol Police Officer, was processed as a public records request. With a department inquiry being an internal investigative document, which is not releasable under a public records request, and pursuant to IC 5-14-3-4(b)(8), your request has been denied. Upon receipt of a valid subpoena or court order the inquiry requested above may be disclosed.


Major Nila Miller-Cronk

Indiana State Police

Internal Investigations Section

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