
Monday, December 31, 2018

some how-to videos
excel, chrome, wonder if they have relativity

so for 2019, i could learn some new skills, using youtube.
no,it's a standalone site.


Sunday, December 23, 2018

epic flail:
volokh conspiracy reports that nunchucks are now protected under the 2nd amendment, at least in new york. that's a dispute that's taken 15 years to resolve.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

[Eugene Volokh] Help! We Need a Name for a Series of Short Videos Explaining Free Speech Law
Posted:Fri, 07 Dec 2018 15:16:00 -0500

We've got a grant -- we've finished the first video (under 4 minutes) -- but we need a good title for the whole series.
I'm delighted to say that Reason.tv and I are putting together a series of short videos explaining free speech law. (I write the scripts and provide input on the visuals, which are graphical rather than talking-heads; Reason.tv does the visuals and the audio and provides input on the scripts.) We have a grant to do the first 10, and we're done with the first one.
The series is aimed especially at high school and college students, though we think it should be informative for everyone. But the one thing we're missing a catchy title (at most three words). Any suggestions? We'd love to hear them! Please post them below, or, if you prefer, e-mail me at volokh at law.ucla.edu.

note to self, offer to put video on youtube. i am working with a guy who is looking for content with potential to go viral. update: i was wrong, he's not making $400/mo from videos, he's made $400 total.

Thursday, December 06, 2018







making the mistake of googling myself

Step One: Identify a Niche You Love. The Crazier, The Better

Internet clothing site, everfan.com, isn’t for everyone. But if you’re the right kind of person, it might just be the greatest thing ever. Seriously. They make custom superhero capes in varying sizes and orders. Oh, yeah, and they do eye masks, power bands and more. This isn’t just for kids to pretend to be Batman. Everfan specializes in designing CUSTOM, UNIQUE superhero costumes! Why be Superman when you can be Girl Glorious, master of invisibility? Captain KerPow, cursed with a super punch he can barely control? How about the Arbitrary Aardvark, simultaneously distracting or anonymous depending on the situation?
The company is the brainchild of Scott Chastain, AKA Captain Stretch, a former landscape architect that transformed his love of superheroes into a real business. Everfan offers affordable superhero costumes for parties, Halloween, or general play. With six full time employees, Everfan has transformed from one guy’s crazy business concept into a great job where creating your own superhero identity is part of the hiring process.
LESSON: Identify your passions and think of ways to create a business. If you can, identify something that is currently unfulfilled by people that share your passion.


a pretty good list of self help type books.

Monday, December 03, 2018

johnny cash, by the book
joe walsh tells a story about life's been good

Sunday, December 02, 2018

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RssRtN_HnMA nsfw
he is  survived by a sister lona palmieri.

32 Norwalk Ave Staten Island Ny 10314 Address 

when i heard otto, who was my age, had died, my first thought was i wonder how george is taking it.

i used to live with a character a lot like george, a teddy bear named gummy the bear.

less blue, but similar sarcasm.

my email is still gtbear at gmail, because gt got email before i did, but lets me use his. he lives now in kentucky with my ex.

oral argument in timbs v indiana - the supreme court as a podcast
timbs is the case that will incorporate the 8th amenment's excessive fines clause.

meanwhile this week there was an important 8-0 case about a frog.
roberts held that administrative decisions can be overruled by the court when they are arbitrary and capricious. weyerhauser and other landowners had disputed having their lands designated as frog habitat when the frogs don't live there and can't live there. while narrow, the ruling is a step in the direction of a new lochner era. in lochner, the court found a rule preventing bakers from working over 60 hours was arbitrary and capricious. david bernstein at the volokh conspiracy has written extensively about the case, and i expect we'll be hearing more from the conspiracy on these topics this week.  now my v  key is sticking along with my d key not working - time for a new  laptop.

i am now listening to the timbs argument.
they got in their argument that the privileges and immunities clause is a basis for incorporation. thomas may agree, concurring, so it will be worth watching how many votes he gets. none is possible, 2 would be amazing, anything more than 2 would be revolutionary.
as rick hasen predicted, the big influence of the trump presidency so far has been these two new judges. i think we are in for big changes, either quickly, or more likely slowly. i predict a narrow ruling with 6 to 9 votes, and a concurrence by thomas with an as yet unknown number of votes.

fearless filmmakers is an online community i got invited to  join.
i just had to set up a filter so that their emails dont overrun my inbox, but it's a fun site. will post a link shortly.

arbitrary aardvark
arbitrary aardvark
i'm the arbitrary aardvark. i fight crime. i'm not very good at it. crime usually wins. i use my $109 walmart laptop to make videos to expose voting rights violations and other crimes by public officials. i'm a lawyer, but i'm crazy, so i'm not a good lawyer. i'm an even worse standup at open mike nights in indy. i recently had 1 minute of air time on hbo in a vice segment called lab rat nation.


this article about hepatitis b and woodchucks caught my interest.

i have been an experimental animal used and abused in hepatitis c research. hepatitis c is now curable; the current concern is the high cost and limited availability of the meds. competitition will bring down the cost, according to the principles of austrian economics. reseach i was involved in at abbot/abbvie in waukegan helped get another med on the market.

i was banned from that facility for giving honest feeback about the extreme pain i experienced in a study that involved putting a tube own my nose into the small intestine. i think that was unethical. i was banned from Covance for asking them to follow their own rules, as required by informed consent. losing those two big clients put me in a situation of financial hardship.

i've been able to get a bit of coverage,  not yet enough. chicago magazine reported on  my issues,
while vice  news on hbo showed  a prison once use for human experiements, before introucing me an other lab rats, in a story called lab rat nation.

my family has been friends with a family of woodchucks, yellow-bellied mountain marmots, for 50 years, when my late uncle bob started going to meeker park lodge near estes park colorado. with enough time and enough peanuts, we've learned to coexist. so the groundhog who lives in my shed is an honored guest, not an unwanted pest. recent developments in prairie dog research show that prairie dogs have a highly developed language, for calls such as 'man in orange coat has a gun, 3 o'clock'. my hypothesis is that woodchucks may also use language. as far as i know this has not been studied. machine learning is well suited to such study. computers can hear tones and pitches humans can't, and can operate both faster and slower than human grad students. my modest proposal is that the labs which raise grounhogs for hep b research could outfit them with a collar to listen and analyze groundhog vocal behaviors, and that the drug companies which use the groundhogs can and should fund such research.
at the moment i am posting this to an obscure blog. getting it to the right people would take more work. maybe i should send this to maggie at boingboing, or to national geographic, which published my uncle bob's astronomy pictures, taken up in the mountains where we got to know the marmots.





Saturday, December 01, 2018


i've been trying to track down the cosigners of my amicus in crawford.
this one's dead.


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