
Friday, May 17, 2019

City officials in Dunedin, Florida want to foreclose on Jim Ficken's home over $29k in unpaid fines for overgrown grass. While Jim was out of town tending to his late mother's estate, the man he hired to cut the grass died unexpectedly. Jim cut the grass (which must not exceed 10 inches) as soon as the issue was brought to his attention, but by then he'd been racking up fines of $500 per day for weeks—without any notice at all. Jim, who's nearly 70 and living on a fixed income, can't pay, so officials are planning to take his house to settle the debt. This kind of thing is not unusual in Dunedin, whose code enforcement revenues have jumped from $34k in 2007 to $1.3 mil in fiscal year 2018. This week, Jim joined with IJ to sue the city. Click here to read more.

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