
Friday, November 30, 2018

2017-2018 Civil Legal Aid Fund Distributions

ProviderAmounts July 2017 and January 2018Annual Amount
Center for Victim and Human Rights$26,212.17$52,424.34
Disability Legal Services of Indiana$26,212.17$52,424.34
District 10 Pro Bono Commission, Inc.$16,000.30$32,000.60
Elkhart Legal Aid Service, Inc.$5,667.92$11,335.84
Indiana Legal Services, Inc.$345,670.80$691,341.60
Indianapolis, Legal Aid Society, Inc.$46,417.49$92,834.98
Law School Legal Services, Inc.$26,212.17$52,424.34
Legal Aid - District Eleven, Inc.$13,409.04$26,818.08
Legal Aid Corporation of Tippecanoe County$5,518.35$11,036.70
Legal Aid Society of Evansville, Inc.$10,279.22$20,558.44
Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic$165,750.30$331,500.60
Volunteer Lawyer Network, Inc.                                             $29,017.18$58,034.96
Volunteer Lawyer Program of Northeast Indiana, Inc.$29,672.59          $59,345.18
Whitewater Valley Pro Bono Commission, Inc.$3,960.00$7,920.00
 wait, what? the neighborhood christian legal clinic is government funded? that would seem to violate the church state parts of the state constitution.
this is the group that got me my expungement.
the reason i was looking at this list is to find counsel for any cases involving palafox, or h + h more generally.

Argument analysis: Court appears ready to rule that Constitution’s bar on excessive fines applies to the states

this is a landmark case either way it goes. incorporation doctrine is a key issue of what the constitution means. and it's about indiana - white guys on drugs are so many of my neighbors here on e washington street, the national road as it passes thru indy. and it's by the institute for justice which has been waging a campaign to bring economic rights under the constitution. i am a rabid fan of ij so my coverage is biased.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

til the black dalhia murder might have solved - by the killer's son.
the guardian is not the world's most reputable source, but that doesn't make it per se wrong.

Dear PGP Participants,

Many sequencing providers are offering promotions on their usual rates for genomic products, so we've compiled a short list of reputable companies with links to their offers. We hope this helps in your goals for self-knowledge and health (and maybe even gift-giving!)

If you then decide you would like to donate your data to the PGP, it would be a boon to the project and to your fellow human. Additional genomic data, along with the associated medical records and phenotype information from surveys, increases the usefulness of the project for researchers and citizen scientists, and helps contribute to the PGP mission of accelerating biomedical progress for all.

The Harvard PGP Staff

23&Me has temporarily halved the cost of their ancestry product, to $49.

African Ancestry offers $25 off each kit with the purchase of 2 or more.

Ancestry is offering their membership for $59 instead of $99.

Family Tree DNA has discounts on multiple products.

Helix has a $49 offer for whole exome sequencing.

Nebula Genomics has a $99 promotion for 1x whole genome sequencing.

Veritas Genetics will be offering their MyGenome product (30x whole genome sequencing) normally $999, for $199 to the first 1000 customers, starting tomorrow, Monday, 9 AM ET.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Sunday, November 25, 2018


my sister in law's father - i guess he was an inlaw and an outlaw - published a newsletter on maui many years ago, and got harrased by the mayor for it.
many years later, the fbi files on the case are turning up as a result of a freedom of information act request. i am about to read the article by the journalist who made the request. it was good, and ties into a bigger investigation of corruption and power on maui.
it reminds me of the time  i did an amicus for a guy who was wrongfully arrested in charksburg west virginia for publishing criticism of the mayor.

http://www.hawaii.edu/dl/psprograms go to school in hawaii without leaving home. i got my BA from western illinois u ["western'll annoy you"] while working as a teamster in missouri, so  could go to law school.
 coul apply for the sjd program at hawaii, but it's not an online program.


i did end up getting to this church this morning.just hitchhiked back.
this journey starte when we saw henry road - all th eother roas have hawaiin names. henry was a kid who wrote down the hawain language and translated genesis. he iie young but his siekick tommy brought back a shiploa of missionaries and soon the island was christian, but in a way that incorporated the native belief system.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

if it works this is the lab rat video. i have about 30 seconds of screen time. this is a dailymoton clip, and  can't seem to cut to the part in question.  the link is https://dai.ly/x6xbebl

i had an amazing day in paradise today. learned how hawaii conquered chistianity and vice versa, like javanese synchretism. the story of henry.
also learned about how coffee came to hawaii.
 good meeting with my brother bill about my cases. tommy saw see turtles and the volcano.
this was the view from our patio last night. i have seen the green flash twice this week. just as the sun goes down, everybody grabs a drink and heads to the beach.
there is a legen that when everything is just right, there is a moment when as the sun sets under the watery horizon that atmospheric distortion, like a rainbow prism effect, gives a brief moment where the sunlight is green. so i saw it twice this week.
i beachcombed some orgami cranes and a little box, and thought of proposing to tommy with them. he doesn't want to marry me, but he does want us to move here, whch i could consider.
there is an artists coop in hawe we've been invited to join. i dumpster dived a sketchbook of some mad poet, and some markers, and made this, first sketch in years.

Friday, November 23, 2018


my hbo special is a little  different than if i'd written it myself, but it's a start.
this is 1:40 into  a 3 minute promo.

shot by vikram gandhi of prophets.net.

i dont have hbo, so i have not seen it yet.


story on the cream tribute/legacy band my nephew was doing sound for.
they played the vogue a couple weeks ago and as usual he didnt bother to let me know he was in town.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

happy tday from nui halle, kona, hawaii, hawaii, usa.

dinner included mashed potatoes, purple yams, sweet potatoes, barley,
green salad, baked squash, stufffing, pog, rum, coffee, pie, pudding, and a fruit salad that included apple-banana, persimmon, dragonfruit, papaya, pineapple, japanese plum. then we went downtown for a luau. saw the green flash, a mongoose, a cardinal, a lizard, an eel, that yellow fiish i'm miscalling parrotfish, a sea urchin, etc.

Friday, November 16, 2018

hiya jj. you probably already know mitnick's business card. it's a diecut plastic card that oubles as a lockpick. i was once at a conference in chicago in 1994, computers privacy and freedom IV, that was raided by fbi agents looking for kevin. they didnt find him, but it effectively ended the working truce between blackhats and white hats which had previously been the norm at those conferences.

On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 5:27 PM JJ Luna  wrote:
As a read a new book, I make notes on a blank page in the front of the book. The average number of notes varies from 8 to 20.  Less than 8, I may toss the book in the trash. I have just been renewing the notes in a book by one of my favorite authors, Kevin Mitnick. On the flyleaf of his latest book, THE ART OF INVISIBILITY, I have 38 notes--a record!

Sunday, November 11, 2018



merle, johnny, glen, buck, etc., 1972.

                                 one of these things is not like the others


Friday, November 09, 2018

"At a minimum, . . . equal protection requires `nonarbitrary treatment of voters.'" (quoting Bush, 531 U.S. at 105, 121 S. Ct. 525)). We are therefore guided in our analysis by the important requirement that state actions in election processes must not result in "arbitrary and disparate treatment" of votes.[13]

article about selling plasma.

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