
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Duke to buy wind-generated electricity
Associated Press
Duke Energy Indiana, formerly Cinergy, has signed a deal with Orion Energy to buy as much as 100 megawatts of electricity.

The electricity will be generated by windmills in Benton County northwest of Lafayette. Duke says the 20-year pact is the first such large, long-term purchase in the state.
Copyright 2006 IndyStar.com. All rights reserved

Starting in 2002, Ferrer and a number of co-conspirators operated http://www.buysusa.com/ , which sold at huge discounts copies of software products copyrighted by such companies as Adobe Systems Inc., Autodesk Inc. and Macromedia Inc. The total loss to owners of the computer products was nearly $20 million, prosecutors said. And by said we mean lied.
The WaPo article contains a glaring typo in the headline. Via Volokh.

Monday, August 28, 2006

The usual science stories... mice give birth to green rats. Cancer cured. Pope to ban science.
That sort of thing.

Saddam's cartoon capers (yahoo news)

Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is being made to watch his appearance in cult cartoon South Park while he is behind bars.

The deposed leader on trial in Iraq was featured in the movie spin-off as the lover of the devil. South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut featured Hussein and Satan attempting to take over the world together.

Speaking at the Edinburgh International Television Festival, South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone said US Marines guarding the former dictator during his trial for genocide were making him watch the movie "repeatedly".

"I have it on pretty good information from the Marines on detail in Iraq that they showed him the movie last year. That's really adding insult to injury. I bet that made him really happy," Stone sed.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

One of the only authors I buy new is Robert Heinlein. Sure, he's been dead for awhile, but the books keep coming.
“Completing a book from notes by a dead author is almost always a mistake. But Robert A. Heinlein apparently isn’t really dead. He was obviously standing at the side of Spider Robinson as he wrote this book, guiding his hand. Variable Star will delight the fans of the greatest science fiction writer who ever lived, and at the same time, stays true to Spider’s passionate themes of optimism, kindness, and humanity’s future among the stars.”--John Varley, Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author of The Persistence of Vision and Steel Beach

The fall semester has started, so now I can waste time online till 11 pm instead of 5... got nothing done today. update: until about 2 am, then I outlined the brief I've been wanting to write... just photocopied the cases I need.

Something happens to smart people when they don’t grow up around other smart kids. If they aren’t very, very lucky, they get broken in ways that don’t mend well and show for the rest of their lives. Sadly, the scars from being the smartest kid in the room show up in grownups as being detached, contemptuous, pedantic and smug. It is hard to feel for those people, but you should. It isn’t their fault..... There is one sure way to ruin a smart kid. If you take a smart, hurt kid, and give him anything by Ayn Rand, all hope is lost. I haven’t read any Rand, so I can’t argue content with anyone. But I can tell you how Rand works as a black box. You put a hurt, smart kid through Rand, and you get out an insufferable, pleased-with-himself Libertarian. It is a loss to all of us, of course, but more of a personal tragedy for the kid. You can hope that one day that kid will want to get laid enough to rejoin society, but too many of those kids are irrecoverably lost.

Suppose you sold your arm, would the proceeds be income?

One of my favorite tax koans.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

link. Missouri anti-smut billboard regulations struck down by 8th circuit. When I lived in Missouri, I was concerned that the people regulating billboards didn't understand the constitution. It's not just Missouri.

Monday, August 21, 2006

I've been obsessing lately with Bob Annis, the late local mad scientist who ran his electronic aparatus company in the old mansion down the street from the coffeehouse I usually blog from. Photo.
This just in:
In 1997, the institute was renamed the Robert B. Annis Water Resources Institute, in recognition of the long-term support and encouragement of the Indianapolis scientist and businessman. In the summer of 2001, the institute moved from the Allendale Campus to its new home at the Lake Michigan Center on Muskegon Lake. Al Steinman was hired as the new director. The newer facilities include classrooms, conference areas, research and analytic labs, ship dockage, support and storage
The AWRI Office is located at the Lake Michigan Center, 740 West Shoreline Drive, Muskegon, Michigan, 49441. Telephone: (231) 728-3601 or (616) 331-3749.

Maybe these folks would help me preserve some of his mementos.
On my latest dumpster diving expedition I got some vacuum tube driven oscilloscope amplifiers and stuff I can't identify - the historical society is throwing away some of his stuff and putting other stuff in storage.

Boilerplate Copy
Copy and paste these into your document when you need a quick overview about the university. See History of Grand Valley for more information.

120 Words
Grand Valley State University, established in 1960, is a four-year public university. It attracts more than 22,000 students with its high quality programs and state-of-the-art facilities. Grand Valley provides a fully accredited liberal arts undergraduate and graduate education and has campuses in Allendale, Grand Rapids, and Holland and centers in Muskegon and Traverse City. Grand Valley is the comprehensive regional university for the state's second largest metropolitan area and offers 69 undergraduate and 25 graduate degree programs. The university is dedicated to individual student achievement, going beyond the traditional classroom experience, with research opportunities and business partnerships. Grand Valley employs more than 1,700 people and is committed to providing a fair and equitable environment for the continued success of all.

Oh! Here's a (current?) address for the company.
R. B. Annis Instruments, Inc.
117 W. Franklin St.
Greencastle, IN 46202
(765) 848-1621

R.B. Annis Instruments, Inc. builds the finest precision demagnetizing and testing equipment available. Annis designs demonstrate a level of sophisticated simplicity that has earned them worldwide renown, and it is an unparalleled understanding of electro/magnetic design fundamentals which allows Annis engineers to build customized solutions for virtually every technical obstacle.

The creative spirit of Annis Instruments grew from the talents of its founder, Robert B. Annis. Born in 1907, Annis developed a technical knack during the heyday of radio, and spent his early career honing the skills that would turn hobby into profession. During the war years, he'd already amassed enough professional kudos to catch the eye of military-industrial fabricators, and he quickly gained a reputation as an intricate problem solver. His modest, respected staff of engineers and manufacturers has grown to share his skills (some through 45+ years of service), and proudly maintain the Annis name. Today, Annis Instruments remains a small, hands-on operation - an assurance of remarkable consistency and quality.

Annis Instruments produces a catalog of 1000+ products, but to this day specializes in custom solutions in demagnetizing. To begin the consultation process with an Annis engineer, please contact us today. Visit our product line here

As I say, it's an obsession.. I'll stop for now.* Didn't get a whole lot done on the case I'm working on.. easily distracted.

* update: today's find was shipping boxes from Bob's film library.
Before the war, he had a film rental company. These were the boxes.. I'm still looking for the films. The stamp shop said the stamps on the boxes didn't have any value in themselves - generic 40s era presidential series stamps.

What I'm reading:
Taking Charge is a set of transcripts of LBJ tapes circa 1963-1964. I find I need to be reading something, especially at 4 am.
This wasn't as dull as I expected. Just started this one.
In the selection I just read, Johnson tricks and armstwists Earl Warren and Richard Russell (who hated Warren) into serving on the Warren commission. They felt a quick coverup could prevent the soviets for taking credit for JFK's killing, which they feared would result in nuclear war. Can't tell if this was more Johnson bullshit.

Sellout, about the Clinton impeachment, by a Democrat working for Hyde on the impeachment staff.
Meshes well with Ann Coulter's books on the Clinton's covering the same era, that I read recently.
The last precinct is a Patrica Cornwell mystery. She's the one who has a pretty good theory about Jack the Ripper being a certain obscure painter. I found the book in a locked dumpster in an alley behind the club, past the stable. Once I knew there was a book in there, the lock didn't stop me. I have a trophism for books. I didn't know which book it would be, and the Cornwell was a nice reward - readable if not especially educational. The last book I'd gotten there was about China.

Pope: Don't work too hard
20/08/2006 16:36 - (SA)
Castelgandolfo - Too much work can be bad for you, even if you are the pope, Pope Benedict said on Sunday.
Speaking during his Sunday address at his summer residence south of Rome, the pope quoted from the writings of St Bernard of Chiaravalle, who lived in the 11th and 12th centuries.
"We have to guard ourselves, the saint observed, from the dangers of excessive activity, regardless of the office one holds, because too many concerns can often lead to hardness of heart," the pope said.
"This warning is valid for every type of job, even those concerned with the government of the church," he said.
The 79-year-old Benedict noted that the saint had written to the pontiff of the times, Eugene III, warning him of the dangers of working too hard.
Benedict said one should always make room for "prayer and contemplation".

I did my part - I got up at noon.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Blood center calls for donations.
I continue to call for legalization of blood sales.

Teens busted in indy on curfew violations - violating their freedom of assembly.

Summer hiatus continues....
No time to blog. I should soon have a phone and a computer and be able to get back to blogging, but it's not practical from a coffee shop and the university library has cut back its hours during the summer.
I've been to gencon and the state fair and have a few cases going and am doing a bit of salvage at the annis building while they remodel.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

One of my links is for the sagamore institute, a local think tank. SIPR.org
Its leader has just been appointed head of Bush's Office of Faith-based Initiatives, a thing I'm sceptical about.

More Tongan abuse. Must write to Tongan consul...

What I'm reading:
update 8/15: The case against clinton, by ann coulter. Nuff said?
FDR, a crital bio from 1972, caustic and funny.
Lessons in Seamanship, 1938, a book formally owned by DJ Argus, owner of the Argus, and a crony of the mad scientist I've been researching. The historical society was throwing away some of his books. I'm working with them to try to get them to understand the historical importance of the building is in its recent past, the stuff they are throwing away, not its 1850s original period.

Finished today, Abnormal Psychology, 700 pages, mid-eighties.
Yesterday: Journey into China, a national geographic anthology,
nice pictures. Found in a dumpster.
On the way here just now, I spent $25 of my rent money on books...
Anne Coulter on the Clintons, a book reprint of revolutionary war anonymous tracts,
something on FDR.

Went to a city council meeting last night. Budget speech by the mayor, innumerable resolutions honoring old black guys, etc. New ordinance regulating scrap dealers... they'll have to fingerprint sellers, like pawn shops do. Councilman Scott Scheider suggests there will be unintended consequences.

Some resolution I didn't quite catch about the near east side, the area I live in.
Not sure what they'll be doing to "abandoned" houses and vacant lots.
Then they got to the business I was there for - a proposal to spend a few more million on CCA, Crime Colleges of America.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

can't seem to grab this picture of jesse metcalf from desperate housewives,
as seen in john tucker must die.

Today I harvested a few ripe tomatoes, my first ones. The garden is already producing green beans, beets and cucumbers. Still growing are sunflower, snapdragon, mung beans, pinto beans, cilantro, daisies, cosmos, onions, potatoes, eggplant, collard, mustard, petunias, marigolds. The dill and weed didn't come up.
The garden is a little smaller than my one bedroom apartment/office - maybe next year I'll expand it if I'm still there.

Whoosh department:
I hear Wil Wheaton's lines have been cut already.

Full Cast and Crew for
Star Trek XI (2008)
Directed by
J.J. Abrams
Writing credits (in alphabetical order)
Alex Kurtzman screenplay
Roberto Orci screenplay
Gene Roddenberry characters
Cast (in alphabetical order)
Matt Damon .... Captain James T. Kirk
Produced by
J.J. Abrams .... producer
Bryan Burk .... producer
Alex Kurtzman .... executive producer
Damon Lindelof .... producer
Roberto Orci .... executive producer

Original Music by
Michael Giacchino

The mansion I've been looking at is for sale.
No word on the price yet.
It turns out the guy in charge is right across the street.
I volunteered to help him clean up the old place.
We'll see how that goes.

Later I went to the Vault, a club downtown, for the monthly auction.
The hedgehog, Ron Jeremy, stopped by and signed chests, although I passed on that. Yikes, imdb lists 972 movies, not counting producer credits (129 of those, plus over 100 sundry cameos as himself.)
The $20 I spent went to IYG.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ninjas v Pirates, at roguerobot.com. er. on this mac the link button went away? so type in rogue robot com.. oh well i can fix it later.

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